Monday, April 4, 2011


All should be very concerned about the new tax proposals set forth by our new Governor, Lincoln Chafee. However, the burden alone should not be his. The general population for far too long has been complacent and there has been no accountability of the our government officials. Rather than behave like public servants, many have behaved as if they entitled and show little respect for the honor of being elected to public service. Fingers are pointing in various directions, mostly at one another, and have successfully pitted citizens against citizens. Wall St. vs. public unions, public unions vs. private unions, taxpayers vs. public unions, non-Wall St. taxpayers vs. Wall St. taxpayers vs. public unions vs. private unions, non-profit profiteers vs. public unions and taxpayers, corporate america vs. corporate government, and the list goes on and on. Who are the losers? I would venture to say without any hesitation, all of us. However, the biggest losers will be the kids who will be greeted with the heavy burdens of our irresponsibility and the leftover devastation from our "civil" war. So, when we are all ready to berate Mr. Chafee for at least making an effort to do what it is he is Constitutionally bound to do - balance the budget. What he has thus far been greeted with is the continued lack of necessary sacrifice on the part of everyone. It is legitimate for citizens to be angry of having to carry the load of the long spent abuses which appears to follow human nature. Recently, the Providence Journal reported that there were seventy-five individuals who are collecting more than $100,000.00 annually as a pension, nearly five times the amount of the median income of $22,000.00 of R.I.. Many, not all of those individuals, appear to believe that they are entitled to collect such pensions. The question must be asked, why? Some of them have continued in public service with minimal to no pay, but that is not the majority. With our cost of living here in Rhode Island, $100,000.00 is not a ton of money. One must pause however, when, the majority of the population must work four to five jobs to make as much. There are so many questions so many of us - not should - but must ask: Why, if the City of Providence is broke, are the Providence taxpayers paying a former State employee $150,000.00 while collecting more than $100,000.00 as an annual pension?